How Much Vitamin D Do We Need?

UV radiation emitted by the Sun is the main cause of skin cancer but also the best natural source for Vitamin D. Vitamin D is a hormone that controls calcium levels in the blood.  We need Vitamin D for strong bones, muscles and overall health.

How much Sun do we need to get Vitamin D? Vitamin D levels vary naturally with the seasons. In summer, most people make enough Vitamin D because UV levels are high and people spend more time outdoors. In summer, most Victorians would need just a few minutes of sun exposure mid-morning or mid-afternoon, with best time, around 12 pm for adequate Vitamin D levels. In winter, we can get Vitamin D from diet and supplements.

Please remember, that the body can only absorb a limited amount of vitamin D at a time. Spending extra time in the sun will not increase Vitamin D levels, but will increase your risk of skin cancer.