LED Therapy is based on the use of lights (blue, red and infrared) for various health benefits.

Red light reduces inflammation and promotes circulation, Blue light destroys acne-causing bacteria, and Infra-red accelerates skin,muscle, bone, subcutaneous tissue recovery. It is drug- free, natural and non-invasive with no known side-effects.

LED Light Therapy

At OzSkinScan, we use Celluma Elite LED Light to to treat wrinkles, aches and pains, arthritis, muscle and joint pain, muscle and joint stiffness, muscle spasms, muscle tissue tension, diminished local blood circulation as well as redness, pimples and lesions associated with inflammatory acne vulgaris.The efficiency of the therapy is achieved through a multiple consistent treatments course.

Features and Benefits of Celluma LED Light:

TGA registered and FDA cleared technology based on NASA LED research. It delivers proven therapeutic wavelengths of blue, red and infrared light energy in a unique flexible design. It may improve a wide variety of conditions and can be molded to the body to maximize absorption and greatly enhance therapeutic benefits.

Skin Rejuvenation with Red and Infrared Lights:

Light emiting diodes (LEDs) trigger photomodulation, a non-thermal, non-ablative cellular stimulation. The application of LED triggers a photobiochemical response, activating fibroblasts deep in the dermal and subcutaneous layer to promote healing and repair in these layers. LED photomodulation can also suppress collagenase, a collagen-degrading enzyme that can accelerate our skin’s aging process. In addition, LED can also stimulate the energy-producing mitochondria to enhance wound healing and decrease the inflammatory response.

Celluma has the unique feature of combining these three wavelengths of light to create a powerful treatment for our skin therapy practice. The Blue setting also includes a small amount of Red and Infrared, useful in stimulating an anti-inflammatory response. The Red setting has the most equal amounts of Blue, Red and Infrared, which is extremely useful in anti-aging treatments, the management of Rosacea and any other inflammatory issues on the face. The Infrared setting has the smallest amount of Blue, and also some Red for stimulating the fibroblasts between 8 – 25 mm into the skin.