sky fly

Fly High and Safe

Planning to travel by plane this holiday season? Before you start your journey, prepare yourself and those accompanying you for a safer trip by protecting from the sun and high altitude while getting to your destination.
Our bodies are not accustomed to high altitudes, so to prepare for the flight wisely, avoid coffee and black tea before and during the flight, drink herbal teas like peppermint and chamomile.

Skincare Ingredients Highly to Avoid

When you choose your skincare products, we recommend you avoid the following harsh ingredients.
• Mineral Oil & Petrolatum, (pore-clogging)
• SD Alcohol 40 and Denatured Alcohol (the “bad” alcohols commonly found in toners that are extremely drying)
• Sodium or Ammonium Laureth/Lauryl Sulfate, Tolouene (drying and irritating to the barrier of the skin)
• Isopropyl Myristate & Isopropyl Palmitate (may cause blackheads)